The Cisco Kid-S6 E10-Quick on the Trigger

The Cisco Kid-S6 E10-Quick on the Trigger

Duration 25m

Young Joe Wilcox, stranded in a strange town with no money and a wife who's about to have a baby, sells his horse to crooked horse-trader Mike Barnes to pay the doctor. Then, when the doctor's most urgently needed, Joe learns he's out of town. Desperate, Joe steals his horse back to ride for the doctor. Barnes yells for the trigger happy Sheriff Carter, who is about to put a bullet in Joe when Cisco intervenes. Joe is jailed, but Cisco and Pancho volunteer to help him and his wife in the emergency. Barnes' men break Joe from jail, to divert the sheriff's attention from a hi-jacking Barnes plans. Just as the unscrupulous horse-dealer intends, the gun-crazed sheriff swings into two-gun action. Finding Cisco with Joe, he draws his.44 and fires point blank at the same instant Cisco reaches for his gun. Though Cisco clutches his chest and topples from his horse, the Sheriff gets the surprise of his life!