TARZAN-S3-E04-Tarzan and the Odd Couple

TARZAN-S3-E04-Tarzan and the Odd Couple

Duration 23m

Roger is doing his own research project on domestic animals in the jungle and is taping the hatching of a baby chick.. Cheetah is very agitated and indicates that he wants the chick after it is hatched. He wants to be a father. As Henrietta, the chicken is incubating the egg. Tantor walks into camp and trumpets his arrival. Henrietta becomes frightened an scampers off into the jungle. Cheetah, seeing the egg left unprotected races to it and covers it with the warmth of his body. Tarzan and Jane return to camp after a harrowing experience with a lion and see Cheetah, acting like a protective mother shoos them away. A bonding process begins to take place. To the chick, Cheetah is its mother and to Cheetah, the chick is his child. The next day, Henrietta returns and Cheetah tries to drive her away. While Tarzan tries to calm Cheetah down, the chick scampers off into the bush. Tarzan uses Henrietta as a bloodhound and together they race off into the jungle. They find the chick just as a lion gets ready for the kill. Tarzan swooped down on a vine, snatches the chick almost from the lion's jaws and they all return to camp. On their return, Cheetah tries to come between Henrietta and her chick but after being talked to by Tarzan decides that he would make a better uncle to chick than he would a father.