The Cisco Kid-S1 E26-Water Rights

The Cisco Kid-S1 E26-Water Rights

Duration 26m

Banker Tom Barton, working hand-in-glove with crooked lawyer Sam Foster, loans $50,000 to the Gunniston Cooperative Association which intends to develop a water project to open the entire valley. The money is entrusted to Jim Lacey, chairman of the Association and sponsor of the movement, who leaves for St. Louis to engage an engineering firm. A crooked stage driver hired by Barton kills the guard and Lacey and grabs to money. Back in town, the driver declares that Cisco and Pancho had committed the murder and robbery. Cisco and Pancho are almost trapped, but escape and prove the driver, Barton and Foster to be the real culprits, and that Barton and Foster intended to gobble up the security money when the loan was defaulted.